8th AGM of JITO Belgaum Chapter was held on 16th June, wherein 36 members attended. The accounts were presented by Treasurer CA Jay kumar Patil and same passed unanimously after thorough discussion. Auditors were re-appointed. Chief Secretary Vikram Jain gave presentation of activities carried out by the chapter from April 17 To March 18. Chairman CA Satish Mehta presented budget for 2018-19 and also presented vision statement for 2018-19. Various Project Chairman for 2017-18 were felicitated for their time and efforts put in by them to make Belgaum Chapter vibrant in carrying on the triple Objectives of Seva, Knowledge and Economic Empowerment.
We used to conduct paper surveys to collect data in rural areas with limited internet connectivity. Thanks to QuestionPro's offline mobile app, collecting offline data is a piece of cake now, especially when you don't have to deal with paperwork anymore..