Grand Sponsor

GRAND SPONSORER – Rs. 51 lakhs ( till December 2018)

  • Sponsorer for all global chapters opening events (Pre-Launch and Launch) till December 2018.
  • The event will be named as JITO along with your company Presents
  • company name and logo in all digital and print media
  • name on JITO INTERNATIONAL WING WEB PAGE as grand sponsor
  • Logo presence on all promotional materials like brochures, flyers, banners, posters, website invitations, Facebook event page, on Delegates Name Tag and Lanyard
  • 3 minute AV presentation on your company
  • Product’s/Services’ literature can be distributed to the delegates from Registration desk
  • Personal meeting with well-known dignitaries at event
  • Felicitation during the program including invite to lamp lighting
  • Logo presence on all backdrop and venue branding including but not limited to welcome boards, programme boards etc.
  • Logo presence in all online and social media campaigns
  • Representative of the sponsor company will be given chance to come on dais to present award or speak (2 min)
  • Branding at venue through names on standees
  • Announcement during the events


We used to conduct paper surveys to collect data in rural areas with limited internet connectivity. Thanks to QuestionPro's offline mobile app, collecting offline data is a piece of cake now, especially when you don't have to deal with paperwork anymore..